
Meet Nick '22

Name: Nick Zimmerman
Years at Shipley: 5
Attending in the Fall: Cabrini University
Major/Area of Interest: Finance
Varsity Basketball; Stock and Investment Club; Lacrosse; Golf
Who was your most influential teacher and why?
It's either Mr. Amidon or Dr. Rebohlz. Mr. Amidon because he knew me very well as a student and would talk me through issues and took good care of me. Dr. Rebohlz because his class was my favorite class, since it was Econ and that interests me the most but also he was a very cool person and someone I liked to talk to.
What was your most memorable experience at Shipley?
There's not one specific experience at Shipley, it's more of the whole experience. Before coming to Shipley, I attended a public school and thought I wasn't going to grasp onto anything and thought I was going to be a bum in life who was mediocre at everything. Then I came to Shipley in 8th grade and everything changed. I became good at basketball with the resources and teammates I had and had the ability to make Varsity. Also, I found what I love and enjoy the most which are finance and the economy, which opened up my world and helped me figure out what I want to do in life all thanks to coming to Shipley.
What does Courage for the Deed; Grace for the Doing mean to you?
Courage for the Deed; Grace for the Doing means that you're willing to do anything for anyone without it being a problem or issue and getting happiness out of it.
Complete this sentence: Shipley has prepared me to…
…be ready for life and the world and be the most successful I can be.
Reflections on your time at Shipley:
My reflection on Shipley to sum it up in one word would be: needed. I needed to be at Shipley to find myself and find what I am here to do. Shipley opened my eyes to see what I enjoyed; when I came to Shipley I didn't know what I was supposed to be doing in life, I was kind of just going where life took me but then I came to Shipley and I got right on track to be the best version of myself and really made me figure out what I wanted to be in life. At the beginning of high school, I was going to go to a trade school and be a plumber or carpenter but then I had a realizing moment that I am a little smarter than this and I should go to college and further my education and do something I really want.

Shipley challenged me academically right when I got there, I remember in 8th grade the first test I ever had there was science and I remember receiving a 48% on the test and instantly knew I had to take everything to another level. By the end of my time at Shipley I totally improved and became a much better version of myself academically and who I was as a person. Lastly, Shipley prepared me for college by challenging me to the highest level possible at this age and throwing everything at me at full speed. I can say now that I am ready for college and can't wait for the challenges that come along the way.
The Shipley School is a private, coeducational day school for pre-kindergarten through 12th grade students, located in Bryn Mawr, PA. Through our commitment to educational excellence, we develop within each student a love of learning and a desire for compassionate participation in the world.